Software Development,
and Systems Support
Wide range of experience and ability in the computer field:
- Web development
- Server applications using Perl, PHP, Java or Ruby on Rails!
- MySQL and Postgres databases
- client side javascript and java applets
- Unix/Linux programming and administration
- Project Management
- Agile Project methodologies - training in the management and
development process and the supporting technologies
- Development infrastructure - software repositories,
Collaboration, Documentation, Build, Automated Testing and ticket
management tools
- Windows programming
- Delphi, Perl and ruby on rails
- Networking and hardware installation and support
- wide range of experience including
- Over 20 languages from over 20 years of experience in the
- Developing, installing and supporting a range of standard
commercial applications
- Network design and support, including building and supporting
firewalls, encrypted wide area networks etc.
- Extensive automated product build and testing systems
- Technical (Cross compiler design, a couple of domain specific
languages, hardware device drivers etc.)
- Turn-key applications
- Specialist systems, e.g. onboard real time and post race
system for a 12m Americas cup yacht
- Resume available on request
Please contact us for further details.